
absence management software for fieldworkers

The aim of the visit was to identify the loopholes that led to lateness of employees from the site. The site was located at field work, where the construction, whose area is approximately 100 m 2 was supervised by the owner and guarded by field employees under Paradox field employees limited. After the visit the identified loopholes included the main gate, fence and the go-downs.   The main form of Absence management software use was established to occur at night, and was conducted by the site workers, who independently, planned to have the property moved from the site via loopholes that included the fence bordering the river. Another possible loophole as the main gate, where theft may involve a collusion between the workers and the field employees   Outdoor workers, or past the field employees   Outdoor workers who may not have taken their positions at night. The recommendations included i.                     Installation of motion detectors at the fence and the main gate.
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